SKY publishes January open signal with 13 channels; HBO package is listed
After 21 channels in December, SKY unveiled the list of open signal options for January 2022. In all, 13 stations will be released at no additional cost to post and prepaid plan customers.
The list consists of Lifetime, ESPN 2, ZooMoo Kids, Gloob, Travel Mode and the HBO package (8 channels). Each will have different starting and ending dates for opening the signal. Check out the following days:
- HBO Package: January 7th to 9th
- Lifetime: January 14th to 23rd
- Travel Mode: January 10th to 17th
- ESPN 2: January 19th to 24th
- ZooMoo Kids: January 22-30
- Gloob: January 22nd to 31st
In the case of the HBO package, the highlight of the schedule on the days covered will be the return of the Euphoria series. On ESPN 2, it will be possible to watch the semifinals of the current NFL season.
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