Xresolvers: How to Have Your IP Address Blocked on Xresolver?


Functions on every device and system configuration. The Xresolver Xbox blacklist is compatible with Xresolver Microsoft, PS4, PS5, Xresolver Roblox, and all web browsers. Using HDMI input connections, the Xbox may be linked to monitors and laptops.

How does Xresolver Blacklist Xbox?

There are a few ways to blacklist oneself without paying for Xresolver and without incurring any costs. By using a VPN to connect to a remote server, the user’s original IP is concealed.


– You can also reconnect to your ISP in order to modify your IP address.

A change can be made for static IP users by phoning their internet service provider. For dynamic IP users, repeatedly starting the router can enable a change.

– Avoid gambling with unfamiliar users.

– Using the data removal form, remove questionable persons from the friend list and also remove their IP addresses.

How Do You Boot Xresolver?

To boot using Xresolver, users must perform the steps below.

You are permitted to download and install any freebooter.

– Please specify the IP address that you wish to kick out.

– Set the duration for which you do not wish to be interrupted by the user.

– Select the DDOS tab.

It rapidly notifies users when the IP address has been successfully booted.

How to have your IP Address Blocked on Xresolver?

Blacklisting your username is a precaution you can take to prevent someone from blocking or distracting you in a game. You can only blacklist yourself with a sniffer application. Your IP address can be simply blacklisted with Octosniff. However, you may need to pay points.

But in order to do so, you must have an Octosniff account, which is basically a networking research tool that enables you to monitor traffic using your console or device. Here’s how to ban oneself using the Xbox blacklist from Xresolver.

  • Visit Xresolver and enter your Gamertag into the machine.
  • Your IP address will be provided via your Gamertag. The Xresolver number represents a single Gamertag that can be entered into the box. If you require the IP address of multiple Gamertags, you must enter them one by one.
  • Use the IP address to log in to your Octosniff account.
  • However, before you may ban your IP, you must spend 500 points.
  • Shortly after purchasing the IP address, the key will be given to your inbox.
  • Copy the key/ Xresolver blacklist IP link and sign into your Octosniff account if you haven’t already.
  • Once you click Redeem License and add the key to the Points section, the license will be redeemed.
  • Now tap the claim points button.
  • Once the points have been claimed, you must navigate to Miscellaneous and then scroll down until you reach the blacklist section.
  • Enter your IP address and then click the blacklist username button.
  • Now return to the site and attempt the username.
  • It would display confirmation that your IP address has been blacklisted.

How Do You Utilize Xresolver for Xbox?

Xbox users can utilize Xresolver as an IP address resolver. The only resolver on the market that uses artificial intelligence bot engines to trawl the internet for all IP address-related data.

How Does Xresolver Get IPS?

Xresolver obtains Gamertags, which can be used to obtain IP addresses.


They contain a built-in utility that is useful for ARP sniffing, port scanning, and geolocation tracking. Once the Gamertag has been extracted, the IP may be readily extracted using Xresolver.

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Is Xresolver Illegal?

Using the Xresolver application, scraping through bots is not prohibited. No nation prohibits, prohibits, or deems IP address extraction illegal, including the United States.

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